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Notice and Takedown process

This article explains how to request removal of unauthorised reproductions of your work from websites and social media platforms. Follow the Notice and Takedown process steps we outline here, to counter infringement of your copyright.

What is ‘Notice and Takedown’?

Social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube or Instagram, and companies that host websites, benefit from the ‘safe harbour principle’ in UK, EU and US law. This means that the platform or hosting company is not responsible for content posted by users or other third parties, if it has a mechanism in place:

  • to be notified of unauthorised copies, or copyright infringements
  • to remove unauthorised copies, or copyright infringements
The mechanism is known as Notice and Takedown – it means that you send the notice and the platform or hosting company takes down the unauthorised usage.

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The content of this article is not intended to be applied to individual circumstances. It is not legal advice, and is not a substitute for independent legal advice.

Next section:
Steps 1 and 2: Find out if an infringement is taking place, and collect evidence