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Going digital: Understanding the impact of digital Innovation within the arts

  • 7 October 2016, 11am
A panel of five people sitting in front of a green screen
'Going Digital Understanding the impact of digital Innovation within the arts' co-hosted by DACS and Carroll / Fletcher. Photo by Sebastian May. © DACS, 2016.

A conversation with DACS and Carroll Fletcher exploring new technologies such as blockchain and their impact on the way we create, view, sell, and purchase art.

Taking place during Frieze Week, Going Digital looked at digital innovation in the context of artistic provenance, the rise of digital art and collections, and the empowerment of artists' rights.

It looked in particular at blockchain technology, which underpins the Bitcoin digital currency. By serving as a public ledger for online transactions, the technology is reshaping concepts of value, trust, law and governance.

Our speakers were:

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